Get to know me
I am Salma Moosa, born to two very different, very resilient & strong people. I did not come to this world alone & by no statistics should I be living this comfortable, focused and aligned life that I am right now.
I stand firm in my brilliance as a Sunni Muslim middle-aged lady, a proud citizen of India and a community creator & leader for empowering people through the experiences and skills that I have gained in all these years of creative thinking, business management & self-advocacy.
Learn everything there is to know about Salma
This site has many sections that help you get to know the various facets of Salma a little better.
Her Story
The mosaic of Salma’s life from her childhood to where she has come today
Her Work
At various phases in various avatars she has done many things
Channeling her thoughts into words Salma writes from her experience
Life has taken her to many places across the world, she where all she has been
As a person she connects with people naturally and has built many communities
She has spoken and expressed herself through many platforms, check them out!